Jackson Franklin Fisher aka Jerry Jackson;
Company F, 97th U. S. Colored Infantry
He was once the slave of Colonel Franklin L. Owens, Cashier of the Mobile Southern Bank, Mobile, Alabama. He was the family’s cook.
Jackson Franklin Fisher enlisted as Jerry Jackson
(because enrolling officer thought his given name was “too long”)
as a Private with Company “F,” 97th U. S. Colored Infantry at Mobile, Alabama, on May 1, 1865, and mustered out as a
Private on April 6, 1866 near Carrollton, Louisiana.
is buried at the Star Cemetery,Caddo Parish, Louisiana.
He was born on February 16, 1847 in Mobile, Molbile County, Alabama, and died on March 18, 1940 in Shreveport, Caddo Parish, Louisiana at the age of 93 years.
On June 11, 1870 at Martins Station, Dallas County, AL, he married Ann Bean who was born on August 12, 1854 in Talladega, AL and died September 1, 1910 in Shreveport, Louisiana. (Ann was the daughter of Charlotte and Sam Bean.)
No children were born to the union of Ann and Jackson F. Fisher (aka Jerry Jackson).
Source: http://www.bjmjr.com/resting/cem_star.htm